Audiometry Test in Delhi
Aided Audiogram thresholds may be provided on an audiogram as a means of confirming the audibility of test sounds at different frequencies.
This testing may be done as part of guidance counseling, verifying the programmed amplification of a bone conduction aid or a cochlear implant, verifying that frequency lowering is effective in a hearing aid, and assessing functional gain when real ear microphone measures can’t be taken.
Uses of the Aided Audiogram
Aided audiogram mainly assesses what you hear when you wear your hearing aids. This test is conducted with a loudspeaker and various auditory stimuli including narrow/white band nose, warble tones, and voice stimulus (live or recorded). Audiologists will typically perform aided audiometry tests in a soundproof or sound-treated room with a loudspeaker positioned 45 degrees and a distance of 1 meter.
This test is helpful in the following areas
- Choosing the right hearing aid
- advantages of both monaural and binaural hearing aids
- being considered for cochlear implants and other implantable devices
- when there is a need for programming or reprogramming of hearing aids
- check if there is a requirement for assistive listening devices and
- when there is a need to repair or replace the receiver power in hearing aids
In case, you are looking to take an aided audiogram in New Delhi, then without any hesitation, visit Asha Speech and Hearing Clinic. We have a team of experienced audiologists to conduct aided audiometry tests accurately and at affordable prices. After thoroughly examining the individuals with hearing loss problems, our hearing health care experts will assist in identifying a perfect hearing aid. Also, they will customize the assistive listening devices as per the needs of the individuals.