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Hearing Test
What is a Hearing Test
Types of hearing test that a person should undergo.
Hearing test is a procedure followed in order to evaluate the sensitivity of a person sense of hearing. The hearing in noise test measures a person ability to hear speech in quiet and in noise.
Weber test, Rinne Test ad much more are few hearing tests which are performed using an audiometer in order to determine hearing sensitivity of a person at different frequencies.

Tympanometry is an examination used to used to tpest the condition the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and the pressure in the ear canal. Tympanometry is an objective test of middle-ear function. It is not a hearing test, but rather a measure of energy trabsmission through the middle ear. Tympanometry permits a differentiate between sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

Who Conducts Hearings Tests?
At Asha Speech and Hearing Clinic, we have a team of top clinical audiologists in India with several years of experience in the industry. By using the latest equipment and technology, they will conduct hearing tests and determine accurate results. One of the primary responsibilities of our audiologists is to do hearing screening or hearing evaluation and find out whether the hearing loss is mild, moderate, or severe.
Common Types of Hearing Tests We Take in New Delhi
There are different types of hearing tests. Some ear tests are intended to assess adults’ hearing, while others are used on newborns, toddlers, and children. But only after a thorough examination of the patient, our audiologists will perform the appropriate hearing tests. Some common hearing tests we take at Asha Clinic are
- Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test: This hearing test employs air conduction to find out the patient’s ability to sense sounds at varying pitches and volumes. For this evaluation, patients will have to sit in a soundproof booth and wear headphones. When they hear a sound, they will have to raise their hand or push a button to notify the audiologist.
- Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR) Test: This ear test evaluates the frequency-specific hearing threshold of a hearing-impaired child or adult. It is mainly used to determine the hearing threshold in various frequencies using an automated approach that is objective, meaning the participant does not have to answer subjectively.
- Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) Test: It is also known as Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Test. This test examines the connections or pathways between the inner ear and the brain. Audiologists conduct this test to assess hearing in kids and persons who are unable to complete pure-tone tests. They may also utilize this test on patients who have had brain damage that impairs their hearing.
- Oto Acoustic Emissions (OAE) Test: Otoacoustic emissions are vibrations caused by hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. This test stimulates and assesses the cochlea’s response using a small probe equipped with a microphone and speaker. Audiologists utilize the data to assess whether an obstruction in the ear canal, fluid buildup, or hair cell destruction is causing hearing loss.
Other Hearing Tests Our Experts Perform
Our experienced audiologists also perform other types of audiometry tests and hearing tests that are listed below to confirm normal hearing function or to discover and measure hearing loss. These painless, safe evaluations assist them in diagnosing hearing issues and determining the best treatment option.
- Speech Test
- Tuning Fork Test or Bone Conduction Test
- Tympanometry
- Weber Hearing Test
- Acoustic Reflex Testing
- Behavioral Audiometry
- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry and more
To diagnose hearing loss and its severity, a variety of tests can be conducted using different techniques. But, the type of hearing test to be used depends on the age of the individual and several other factors. If you, your kid, or anyone you know shows signs of hearing loss, get the hearing test done at Asha Speech and Hearing Clinic. We have been providing hearing tests in New Delhi for many years to people of all ages. In addition to that, for other problems associated with hearing and speech, we offer cheap and the best speech and hearing healthcare services in India.
Without any hesitation, book an appointment with us to overcome hearing loss issues and improve the quality of life.
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