Common Myths About Hearing Aids Debunked

Hearing Aids

In India, over 63 million people have hearing loss. For many of them, using a hearing aid can improve their hearing and offer great support and assistance. However, there are many misconceptions regarding what hearing aids are, how they operate, and who ought to use them. Speak with an audiologist right away if you think you may have hearing loss. Things can improve faster if you act sooner. It is possible that, like many others, you may also have several misconceptions regarding hearing aids. If yes, then read this blog. For your understanding, here, we have shared the truths behind the common myths about hearing aids.

Hearing Aids Myths and Facts

Here, we have busted the 10 common myths about hearing aids. Take a look at them and gain clarity.

Myth 1: Everything sounds louder with hearing aids

The Truth: Hearing aids offer customized sound control.

A widespread misperception is that everything would sound excessively loud if you wear hearing aids. Modern hearing aids are designed with cutting-edge technology that enables personalized sound management. Therefore, you can modify the settings to fit your preferences and the listening environment to get a comfortable and natural listening experience. Furthermore, the modern hearing aids filter out background noise. Also, they include directional microphones to help you focus on what matters and can connect to wireless mics, smartphones, laptops, TVs, and other resources that allow you to work on your terms.

Myth 2: Hearing aids can cure hearing loss

The Truth: Hearing aids improve hearing but do not completely restore it.

As prescription eyeglasses cannot cure myopia, neither can hearing aids cure hearing loss. Hearing aids are intended to amplify and make sounds more audible, but they cannot fully restore hearing. Depending on the unique hearing loss of each person, there are differences in the amount of improvement. However, you can notice a significant improvement in your ability to hear and comprehend conversations if you get the right hearing aid and get it fitted properly.

Myth 3: Wearing one hearing aid is sufficient

The Truth: There are numerous advantages to binaural hearing aids.

Some people assume that if they have hearing loss in one ear, they can manage with only one hearing aid. However, wearing two hearing aids, also referred to as binaural hearing aids, provides various benefits. It aids with sound localization, creates a more natural listening experience, and relieves strain on the good ear. You can get assistance from your audiologist in determining the best solution for your needs.

Myth 4: Only elderly people wear hearing aids

The Truth: Hearing aids are beneficial to people of all ages.

One of the most widespread misconceptions concerning hearing aids is that they are exclusively for elderly people. The truth is that individuals of all ages can have hearing loss. Hearing aids can have a big impact on your life whether you are an elderly citizen, a middle-aged professional, or a teenager. No matter what your age is, getting treatment for hearing loss early on can enhance your quality of life. Even babies, some of whom have permanent hearing loss since birth, wear hearing aids.

Myth 5: Hearing aids are expensive

The Truth: Hearing aids are available in several price ranges.

Cost is sometimes a worry when contemplating hearing aids, but the notion that they are prohibitively expensive is false. There is a vast choice of hearing aids available at various price points, so you may choose a solution that meets your budget. Additionally, it’s worth looking into your choices because a lot of insurance policies and programs cover the cost of hearing aids.

Myth 6: Hearing aids are large and unsightly

The Truth: Modern hearing aids come in sleek and stylish form.

The idea that hearing aids are big, bulky, and ugly is another common myth. Although some hearing aids were bigger in the past, technology has advanced significantly. These days, hearing aids are stylish, discrete, and often unnoticeable. Wearers can pick a style that suits them more easily because the hearing aids are available in a variety of forms, sizes, and colors.

Myth 7: Hearing aids require high maintenance

The Truth: Maintaining hearing aids is easy but it requires regular care.

Maintaining your hearing aids is important for their maximum performance, but it is not as difficult as some may believe. The common maintenance activities for hearing aids are routine cleaning and battery replacement. Also, most hearing aids come with easy-to-follow instructions and equipment. Additionally, audiologists offer advice on appropriate care and maintenance.

Myth 8: Hearing aids are not comfortable to use

The Truth: Modern hearing aids are more comfortable to use.

Older hearing aids may have been painful to wear, but modern ones are developed with the user’s comfort in mind. They are far more comfortable to wear all day because they are lighter, smaller, and more covert. Furthermore, improvements in materials and design have decreased problems like feedback and discomfort.

Myth 9: Hearing aids are only used for profound hearing loss

The Truth: Hearing aids can help different levels of hearing loss.

Not just those with profound hearing loss need to use hearing aids. They are made to help those with various kinds and levels of hearing loss. There is probably a hearing aid option that can enhance your general quality of life and help you hear better, regardless of how severe your hearing loss is.

Myth 10: Hearing Aids is not durable

The Truth: Well-maintained hearing aids last a while.

Well-maintained, high-quality hearing technology has an average lifespan of three to seven years. Plus, you may get support like routine maintenance checks, repair services, and advice on simple do-it-yourself repairs so you can get the most out of your gadgets for as long as possible. You may also receive extended warranty packages.


Hearing aids are one of the powerful devices that can improve the quality of life of people who suffer from hearing loss. They are more inexpensive and functional than most people know, and they may be tailored to meet individual needs.

If you wish to find out how hearing aids can assist, better schedule a consultation with an audiologist. At Asha Speech and Hearing Clinic, we have a team of experienced audiologists. They will conduct hearing tests and help you identify the best hearing aid that not only enhances your hearing but also makes you feel good about using the device.