What is Hearing Loss and it’s Types
Treating sensorineural hearing loss with hearing aids
Fluency therapy or so called Stuttering therapy is a treatment method in order to reduce stuttering to some degree in an individual.
Hearing loss can be caused by many different causes, some of which can be successfully treated with medicine or surgery, depending on the disease process.
Three Types of Hearing Loss:-
Conductive hearing loss – when hearing loss is due to problems with the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear and its little bones (the malleus, incus, and stapes).
Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) – when hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, also known as nerve-related hearing loss.
Mixed hearing loss – refers to a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This means that there may be damage in the outer or middle ear and in the inner ear (cochlea) or auditory nerve.